Friday 13 February 2015

Lukaku has got his head in the clouds over move to ‘Top Club’

Life at Everton football club seems a far cry from what they were enjoying last season.

Currently lying 12 in the premier league and out of all domestic competitions, just about the only thing they still have going for them is the Europa League, which is set to resume in the next couple of weeks.

Roberto Martinez had the fans talking about the ‘School of Science’ last season and even enabled them to look down and laugh as their previous manager, in an attempt to move his own career on to the highest level, failed miserably.

The players were happy and ambition was running through the veins of everyone involved with the football club looking ahead to this season, further buoyed by the permanent signing of their star goal-getter Romelu Lukaku, in what was otherwise a quiet summer.

It is difficult to believe it is the same team this term. Performances have been dour at the best of times, the excuses and feigned positivity from Martinez have begun to wear thin on even the most devout supporters and player unrest or perhaps delusion seems to be breathing throughout the team.

 Kevin Mirallas was the first to talk about moving on to better things and Champions League football, which of course incites disappointment and anger from his home fans as they witness his at times brilliant but more often than not selfish displays.

The argument the fans quite rightly have there is why talk about moving away to achieve better things, when the platform was set last season for him to achieve his goals at Everton.

Next up and the most recent big name player at the club to voice ambition to move on or ‘arrive at a top club’ as he put it, was Romelu Lukaku.

A player that so far this season has quite simply failed to show why so much money was spent on him and perhaps more annoyingly, considering his already inflated ego, proved Jose Mourinho’s judgement right when he saw fit to offload a player who has been talked about as one of the best young strikers in Europe.

Lukaku’s demands for football at the highest level are admirable and it should be every players dream to make it to the very top but at the same time if you want something that badly then you have to go out there and earn it and based on current form it is safe to say that neither Mirallas or Lukaku can honestly say they are at that level.

Let’s make a comparison between these two players and a player who is now, according to the Ballon D’or results anyway, the best player on the planet, Cristiano Ronaldo.

Ronaldo joined United as an exciting yet extremely raw prospect from Sporting Lisbon having given John O’Shea the run around in a pre-season friendly.

Slowly but surely over time he honed his potential and worked harder than anyone on the training ground and in the gym (according to the coaches who worked with him) to make it to the very top and he hauled United with him as they won Europe’s top prize in 2008.

Throughout that period, despite always dreaming of one day playing for Real Madrid, he didn’t once voice this to the press.

Simply put he chose to let his football do the talking and when it did, Real Madrid, as well as every other top club in Europe, were listening.

Lukaku and Mirallas could learn a lot from the example that Ronaldo set through his time at United and that was when he was already playing for a team that was cleaning up on a regular basis domestically. If anything he had more grounds to have those conversations with the press.

Having watched a few Everton matches this week it is clear to see that their frailties, that perhaps were not so evidence because of the fresh approach Martinez brought in his last season, have been exposed and unfortunately the clubs in-activeness during the summer transfer window has left them short of improvement on what they achieved last season.

So now is the time that a Lukaku or a Mirallas should be knuckling down and proving their worth to the club, not talking about moving to bigger clubs because no bigger club is interested in signing an arrogant mid table player and there are plenty of them knocking about within the premier league as living proof.

If they want their move to bigger and better things, they should get back on the training field and in the gym and work that little bit harder and start turning out the sort of performances that Everton spent a club record transfer fee to see and who knows maybe they will achieve their dreams of champions league football with success in the Europa League.

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